Always have a purpose.

  Recently I have been very surprised to find the amount of energy you can suddenly find once you have found a purpose to do something. Having a purpose seems to provide us all with real motivation, drive and determination to tackle anything big or small. In our case despite being aware of this we had simply forgotten its phenomenalContinue reading “Always have a purpose.”

Take a Chance

  It is really easy to give a million reasons why you have not achieved whatever it is that you had hoped for or why you haven’t pushed yourself for that new job, new relationship, new business the list could go on and often does. We get in to an easy habit of making excusesContinue reading “Take a Chance”

Its not always personal

Since others have to tolerate my weaknesses, it is only fair that I should tolerate theirs. William Allen White I wish I had read this quote when I was assisting on a course in Glasgow a few years ago. The course was being held in a Glasgow hotel. Every day when I went in theContinue reading “Its not always personal”

Modern Day Vampires and how to control them.

In days gone by people used to hang garlic around their doors and windows and even around their necks to ward of vampires and keep them safe from harm .The very thought of one being in the neighbourhood was enough to strike fear and terror into all the nearby inhabitants. They brought death and madeContinue reading “Modern Day Vampires and how to control them.”