The Fool

The Fool in tarot generally is considered a New beginning something which requires a leap of faith and childlike optimism . How many times perhaps have you failed to take the opportunities that came up because you were too scared to take the chance or because you lacked the self confidence to try. After theContinue reading “The Fool”

Taking control of Fate.

“I have noticed that even people, who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.” Steven Hawking Isn’t it funny how we can all too often decide to abdicate our own responsibility, our own power to change things and hand it over to Fate?Continue reading “Taking control of Fate.”

Adapting to Change

  I have always had dogs and cats living with me. A short while before going on holiday our elderly and last remaining cat passed peacefully away. We were all heartbroken as he had been such a little character, always chatting to us, sitting on our shoulders as we worked at a desk or theContinue reading “Adapting to Change”


Sometimes we can all find it hard to make a decision about something and we can go backwards and forwards in our thinking process and feel we are getting nowhere. This can make us feel stressed and uneasy and can cause others who are waiting on our decision to get frustrated and upset by us.Continue reading “Decisions,Decisions.”

Feed the positive and let go the negative.

Remember ,always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And ,then you destroy yourself. Richard  M Nixon. Love him or hate him this is actually very good advice .We need to learn to be true toContinue reading “Feed the positive and let go the negative.”

Learning how to react positively to stress.

  In life our reactions to everything can be improved upon the more we learn about ourselves and our ability to handle situations. Nothing is worth making yourself ill over and without putting in to place some sort of structure and strategy to deal with stressful situations people can and do get ill by allowingContinue reading “Learning how to react positively to stress.”

New Shoes

I have dogs and live in the country. As a consequence, unless going out somewhere I usually spend my time running around wearing shirts, jeans and trainers. These are all clothes which are suitable and practical to brush off the dog hair and stay reasonably tidy and on my feet when walking and living withContinue reading “New Shoes”

Take a Chance

  It is really easy to give a million reasons why you have not achieved whatever it is that you had hoped for or why you haven’t pushed yourself for that new job, new relationship, new business the list could go on and often does. We get in to an easy habit of making excusesContinue reading “Take a Chance”

Moving on.

  All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. Anatole France   My Mum has lived for over twenty years in her much loved, large traditional flat. It has huge bayContinue reading “Moving on.”

How a dog sees it.

Like for most people the run up to Christmas in our house is a very busy time with lots of different things seemingly requiring immediate attention to make sure everything is organised in time for us all to relax and really enjoy the holidays. To add to our fun we also have two birthdays toContinue reading “How a dog sees it.”