Stuck ? A technique to help you to move forward.

Sometimes life hits us with an experience that can stop us in our tracks and freeze us. We can forget how to move forward and for a while do not know which direction to take. It can be a horrible feeling of being stuck and lost at the same time. Most of us recover fromContinue reading “Stuck ? A technique to help you to move forward.”

Jealousy and how to deal with it.

You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars. Gary Allan Jealousy is a very destructive emotion, for both the person feeling jealous and the person who is a victim of it. The trouble with jealousy is that it can sneak up on us all before we notice it and usually isContinue reading “Jealousy and how to deal with it.”

66 Days to a New You

Generally speaking nothing we ever do to ourselves is done with a negative intent although it may result in a negative habit or behaviour pattern being developed the original intent behind it was probably positive. It was believed that you could develop any healthy habit within 28 days. Recent research disputes that and  suggests thatContinue reading “66 Days to a New You”