The Fool

The Fool in tarot generally is considered a New beginning something which requires a leap of faith and childlike optimism . How many times perhaps have you failed to take the opportunities that came up because you were too scared to take the chance or because you lacked the self confidence to try. After theContinue reading “The Fool”

Adapting to Change

  I have always had dogs and cats living with me. A short while before going on holiday our elderly and last remaining cat passed peacefully away. We were all heartbroken as he had been such a little character, always chatting to us, sitting on our shoulders as we worked at a desk or theContinue reading “Adapting to Change”

Listen and Learn.

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I am going to learn, I must do it by listening. Larry King. We all like to be heard. What we think and feel we want to be able to express to others and when we can do itContinue reading “Listen and Learn.”

Learning how to react positively to stress.

  In life our reactions to everything can be improved upon the more we learn about ourselves and our ability to handle situations. Nothing is worth making yourself ill over and without putting in to place some sort of structure and strategy to deal with stressful situations people can and do get ill by allowingContinue reading “Learning how to react positively to stress.”

Keeping it simple

When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude. Gilbert K Chesterton Recently there has been much debate in our house over going on holiday. Whether I should or I shouldn’t and who to go with and where to go? Not normally something thatContinue reading “Keeping it simple”

When humour turns bad.

Humour is a wonderful and powerful thing. It can get you through tough times and help create bonds between people. It can lift your spirit and change gloomy days to happier ones. It is a great coping ability to have. But, when it is used to ridicule or tease someone with intent to make themContinue reading “When humour turns bad.”

Its not always personal

Since others have to tolerate my weaknesses, it is only fair that I should tolerate theirs. William Allen White I wish I had read this quote when I was assisting on a course in Glasgow a few years ago. The course was being held in a Glasgow hotel. Every day when I went in theContinue reading “Its not always personal”

How to win friends and Influence yourself

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is theContinue reading “How to win friends and Influence yourself”

How a dog sees it.

Like for most people the run up to Christmas in our house is a very busy time with lots of different things seemingly requiring immediate attention to make sure everything is organised in time for us all to relax and really enjoy the holidays. To add to our fun we also have two birthdays toContinue reading “How a dog sees it.”

Festive season choices.

Today is the first of December and for many, particularly the young and young at heart, there is now a happy dash towards Christmas and love for the Festive season, but for many others it can be a time of worry, sadness and stress. I am always busier towards Christmas as people who feel outsideContinue reading “Festive season choices.”