66 Days to a New You

Generally speaking nothing we ever do to ourselves is done with a negative intent although it may result in a negative habit or behaviour pattern being developed the original intent behind it was probably positive. It was believed that you could develop any healthy habit within 28 days. Recent research disputes that and  suggests thatContinue reading “66 Days to a New You”

Finding wasps? Look for Butterflies.

. Recently my mother bought herself a new car. It was a small 4×4 model, a lovely shade of midnight blue. It was a car that I hadn’t really seen before. The next day, when I was driving to the shops I noticed my Mum coming towards me in her new car and lifted myContinue reading “Finding wasps? Look for Butterflies.”

Don’t look behind you ?

Recently I have been reading a lot of posters on Facebook telling people to move on and leave their past behind them. Forget it as it cannot be changed. Why waste time worrying about it just close the door and move on. Concentrate only on the present and on the future. This does on theContinue reading “Don’t look behind you ?”

Kindness and Angels

Years ago I became friends with a lovely lady and this is her story. She told me that she was the daughter of an immigrant couple who had come to our country to make a new life for themselves and their family. They had worked very hard and despite having no formal qualifications had managedContinue reading “Kindness and Angels”