Pick yourself up.Dust yourself down and start all over again.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. Henry Ford. It is impossible to get it right every time and yet we all seem to fear failure so much that it stops us trying to reach for more. We can restrict ourselves to living what we may consider to be aContinue reading “Pick yourself up.Dust yourself down and start all over again.”

Strategic Dreams

Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from pain and treasure the most precious gift I have-life itself. Walter Anderson It is crucial toContinue reading “Strategic Dreams”

A Tale of Three Boys

It is easy to encourage people to be positive when everything is going well .The problem in staying positive and finding the energy or motivation to remain so is when things are tough. When life flings one of its curve balls at you and when everything and even everyone seems to be plotting to bringContinue reading “A Tale of Three Boys”

Don’t look behind you ?

Recently I have been reading a lot of posters on Facebook telling people to move on and leave their past behind them. Forget it as it cannot be changed. Why waste time worrying about it just close the door and move on. Concentrate only on the present and on the future. This does on theContinue reading “Don’t look behind you ?”

Everyday Magic

A little bit of magic When I was younger I loved any magical story and had my nose constantly in a book. I watched Bewitched with Samantha twitching her nose and creating instant magic, clearing all problems and making everything work and laughed, loving every mad moment of it. My daughters grew up with HarryContinue reading “Everyday Magic”