Feed the positive and let go the negative.

Remember ,always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And ,then you destroy yourself. Richard  M Nixon. Love him or hate him this is actually very good advice .We need to learn to be true toContinue reading “Feed the positive and let go the negative.”

When humour turns bad.

Humour is a wonderful and powerful thing. It can get you through tough times and help create bonds between people. It can lift your spirit and change gloomy days to happier ones. It is a great coping ability to have. But, when it is used to ridicule or tease someone with intent to make themContinue reading “When humour turns bad.”

Jealousy and how to deal with it.

You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars. Gary Allan Jealousy is a very destructive emotion, for both the person feeling jealous and the person who is a victim of it. The trouble with jealousy is that it can sneak up on us all before we notice it and usually isContinue reading “Jealousy and how to deal with it.”

Who is to Blame ?

Isn’t it strange how many times when things go wrong we look to another person to take the blame, to shift the responsibility ?It is a way of protecting oneself from the possible repercussions of whatever went wrong but it is definitely not the way to gain personal power and take control of your life.Continue reading “Who is to Blame ?”

Finding wasps? Look for Butterflies.

. Recently my mother bought herself a new car. It was a small 4×4 model, a lovely shade of midnight blue. It was a car that I hadn’t really seen before. The next day, when I was driving to the shops I noticed my Mum coming towards me in her new car and lifted myContinue reading “Finding wasps? Look for Butterflies.”

Don’t look behind you ?

Recently I have been reading a lot of posters on Facebook telling people to move on and leave their past behind them. Forget it as it cannot be changed. Why waste time worrying about it just close the door and move on. Concentrate only on the present and on the future. This does on theContinue reading “Don’t look behind you ?”

Everyday Magic

A little bit of magic When I was younger I loved any magical story and had my nose constantly in a book. I watched Bewitched with Samantha twitching her nose and creating instant magic, clearing all problems and making everything work and laughed, loving every mad moment of it. My daughters grew up with HarryContinue reading “Everyday Magic”