The Fool

The Fool in tarot generally is considered a New beginning something which requires a leap of faith and childlike optimism . How many times perhaps have you failed to take the opportunities that came up because you were too scared to take the chance or because you lacked the self confidence to try. After theContinue reading “The Fool”

What can I do ?

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. Wade Boggs. I often tell people it is not what happens to you but how you handle what happens to you that determine how happy you are in life. Quite often I amContinue reading “What can I do ?”

Always have a purpose.

  Recently I have been very surprised to find the amount of energy you can suddenly find once you have found a purpose to do something. Having a purpose seems to provide us all with real motivation, drive and determination to tackle anything big or small. In our case despite being aware of this we had simply forgotten its phenomenalContinue reading “Always have a purpose.”

A different View

    A short time ago I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and took on something new, well new to me, Instagram. I was very apprehensive about posting pictures publically and feared getting daft or cheeky comments .Such a silly thing to be bothered about really, as what it would matterContinue reading “A different View”

A time to Change

    “Change isn’t easy…. changing the way you live means changing what you believe about life. That’s hard…When we make our own misery, we sometimes cling to it even when we want so bad to change because the misery is something we know. The misery is comfortable.” Dean Koontz It is unfortunately very trueContinue reading “A time to Change”

To friends New and Old

It is not too late to develop new friendships or reconnect with people. Morrie Schwartz. As we go through life we attach and sometimes detach from people who were once important to us. This can happen for a variety of reasons, some because of differences perceived or real and sometimes it is that we simplyContinue reading “To friends New and Old”

Seeing both sides now.

My Grandmother had a saying “It doesn’t matter how thinly you slice the bread, there are always two sides”. When I was younger it used to drive me mad as usually she would say it to me when I was repeating some bit of gossip or information I had heard at school or at theContinue reading “Seeing both sides now.”

Learning to Communicate .Part Two

Don’t make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. Miguel Angel Ruiz It is all too easy to become a mind reader. ToContinue reading “Learning to Communicate .Part Two”

We are not all Doomed

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. Charles Spurgeon. I find that nowadays it is easy for a normally rational person to become anxious and irrational in minutes just by watching the news, reading an article or even simply reading the possible side effects of bog standardContinue reading “We are not all Doomed”

Strategic Dreams

Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from pain and treasure the most precious gift I have-life itself. Walter Anderson It is crucial toContinue reading “Strategic Dreams”