Just a Feather ?

One of the things I find strange when working with people is their willingness to accept labels and then to live their life with the label that someone else has given them. I can meet a client for the first time and they will tell me “I am just a Mum” as if they haveContinue reading “Just a Feather ?”

A Tale of Three Boys

It is easy to encourage people to be positive when everything is going well .The problem in staying positive and finding the energy or motivation to remain so is when things are tough. When life flings one of its curve balls at you and when everything and even everyone seems to be plotting to bringContinue reading “A Tale of Three Boys”

How to eat an Elephant ?

Many times when people come to see me I find that they are in a state of total overwhelm. By that I mean that whatever it is they are coping with in life added to their normal daily living chores has made them feel almost paralysed and unable to deal with even the simplest ofContinue reading “How to eat an Elephant ?”

Modern Day Vampires and how to control them.

In days gone by people used to hang garlic around their doors and windows and even around their necks to ward of vampires and keep them safe from harm .The very thought of one being in the neighbourhood was enough to strike fear and terror into all the nearby inhabitants. They brought death and madeContinue reading “Modern Day Vampires and how to control them.”

Kindness and Angels

Years ago I became friends with a lovely lady and this is her story. She told me that she was the daughter of an immigrant couple who had come to our country to make a new life for themselves and their family. They had worked very hard and despite having no formal qualifications had managedContinue reading “Kindness and Angels”