What can I do ?

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. Wade Boggs. I often tell people it is not what happens to you but how you handle what happens to you that determine how happy you are in life. Quite often I amContinue reading “What can I do ?”

How to live forever.

How to live forever Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It is the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it. Trey Parker. My Aunt died this week after a long and courageous battle with Alzheimer’s. It is not her death that we shall remember though it is the full and wonderful lifeContinue reading “How to live forever.”

A Tale of Three Boys

It is easy to encourage people to be positive when everything is going well .The problem in staying positive and finding the energy or motivation to remain so is when things are tough. When life flings one of its curve balls at you and when everything and even everyone seems to be plotting to bringContinue reading “A Tale of Three Boys”

Kindness and Angels

Years ago I became friends with a lovely lady and this is her story. She told me that she was the daughter of an immigrant couple who had come to our country to make a new life for themselves and their family. They had worked very hard and despite having no formal qualifications had managedContinue reading “Kindness and Angels”

Everyday Magic

A little bit of magic When I was younger I loved any magical story and had my nose constantly in a book. I watched Bewitched with Samantha twitching her nose and creating instant magic, clearing all problems and making everything work and laughed, loving every mad moment of it. My daughters grew up with HarryContinue reading “Everyday Magic”